Become a Voter
Voting Eligibility
To participate in the voting process, users need to provide liquidity in A51 pool on Balancer. The eligible pool is A51-ETH.
Voting Rights
Users become eligible to vote after depositing liquidity in the above-mentioned pools. They obtain BAL-LP tokens which grant them voting rights for vault reward emission.
Why Balancer
The reason for primarily using Balancer over other DEXs is that Balancer supports an arbitrary weightage system between the tokens in the liquidity pool. For instance, an 80-20 A51-ETH liquidity pool ensures that the LPs can enter the pool much more easily by contributing 20% in ETH only.
Since farmers are likely to hold BAL-LP tokens for voting on the gauge, they become LPs for A51. This reduces the likelihood of farmers dumping the A51 rewards they receive, as they would be dumping into their LP position. However, it is still possible for farming and dumping to occur, as a farmer without any BAL-LP can still earn rewards in the form of option tokens or $oA51.
Introduction to $oA51
By participating in the voting process, users are rewarded with $oA51 tokens. These tokens play a crucial role in incentivizing long-term participation and loyalty among liquidity providers.
Last updated