Advanced Modes
Pro Mode offers a higher level of customization. In this mode, LPs can manage three key aspects of their liquidity position:
Rebasing Mechanism: Control how and when the position adjusts to market conditions.
Exit Strategy: Define the conditions under which assets will be withdrawn or reallocated.
Liquidity Distribution: Manage how liquidity is spread across different price ranges or assets.
No Rebase
LP can specify if they do not want any rebasing done. Their liquidity will become inacitve until they take any further action.
Rebase Preference
Deviation from the current price before the rebase happens. Percentage deviation would remain constant after every rebase.
ETH at 1,500 USDC & RP at 20%. Rebase will happen at 1,800 USDC or 1,300 USDC regardless of the price range
Time To Rebase
Time passed before the rebase happens.
ETH at 1,500 USDC, RP at 20% & TTR at 10 mins. Rebase will happen at >= 1,800/1,300 USDC after 10 mins have passed and the liquidity does not come in range.
Price Range After Rebase
Select the range in which liquidity will be provided after the rebase.
Inactive after Number of Rebases
Select the number of times the rebase happens before the liquidity becomes in active.
Exit Strategy
Exit Preference
Specify the price of tokenA or tokenB at which the liquidity becomes inactive.
ETH at 1,500 USDC & EP at $1,800. Liquidity becomes inactive when ETH reaches 1,800 USDC.
Reverse Liquidation
Specify the price of tokenA or tokenB at which the whole liquidity converts to the other token.
ETH at 1,500 USDC & RL at $1,800 Whole liquidity converts to ETH at 1,800 USDC and becomes inactive.
Smart Exit
Specify the price of tokenA or tokenB at which the whole inactive liquidity converts to the other token.
ETH at 1,800 & SE at $2,000 Whole liquidity will convert to tokenA when ETH reaches 2,000 USDC
Time Before Exit
Time passed before the exit happens.
ETH at 1,500 USDC, EP at $1,800 & TTR at 10 mins. Exit will happen at >= 1,800 USDC after 10 mins have passed and the price stays there.
Price Hits Before Exit
Specify the number of times the price reaches before the exit strategy is executed.
ETH at 1,500 USDC, EP at $1,800 & PHE at 3. Exit will happen at >= 1,800 USDC, the current price reached $1,800 twice but dipped, and the exit will execute at the third time.
Liquidity Distribution
Price Range
Select the price range of tokenB in relation to tokenA or vice versa.
Exponential Symmetrical
Specify how to distribute the liquidity exponentially with the selected range at the center and the price deviation to cover.
ETH @ 1,500 USDC & PD at 20% ETH and USDC will get distributed expontentially going down on either side within the price range.
Exponential Going Up
Specify how to distribute the tokenA liquidity expontentially with the current price at the end and the price deviation to cover.
ETH @ 1,500 USDC, Range at 1,300 to 1,490 & PD at 20% USDC will get distributed expontentially from 1,300 USDC to the 1,490.
Exponential Going Down
Specify how to distribute the tokenB liquidity exponentially with the current price at start and the price deviation to cover.
ETH @ 1,500 USDC, Range at 1,510 to 1,800 & PD at 20% ETH will get distributed expontentially from the 1,510 to 1,800 USDC.
Specify how to distribute the liquidity flatly.
ETH @ 1,500 USDC & PD at 20% ETH and USDC will get distributed flatly on either side within 1,300 and 1,800 range. Only one of the two tokens will be distributed if the selected range is inactive.
Single Tick
Specify which tick to distribute the entire liquidity
ETH @ 1,500 USDC & PD at 20% ETH and USDC will get distributed in a single tick. Only one of the two tokens will be distributed if the selected range is inactive.
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